“American Symphony,” Matthew Heineman’s evocative documentary, unfolds the intense narrative of Jon Batiste’s life in early 2022. Balancing 11 Grammy nominations and his partner Suleika Jaouad’s returning cancer, Batiste immerses himself in the profound “American Symphony” project. The film intimately captures a transcendent on-stage moment as Batiste dedicates a piece to Suleika, epitomizing the film’s essence—the capacity of art to express the unutterable. Visit 02tvseries for more!
American Symphony 2023
American Symphony
| November 29, 2023 (United States)
Director: Matthew HeinemanStars: Stars, Jon Batiste, Lindsey Byrnes, Jonathan Dinklage,
Summary: In this deeply intimate documentary, musician Jon Batiste attempts to compose a symphony as his wife, writer Suleika Jaouad, undergoes cancer treatment.
Countries: United StatesLanguages: English