Jason Momoa returns as Aquaman in “Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom,” injecting the DC Extended Universe with his signature mix of toughness and humor. Momoa’s charismatic performance takes center stage as Aquaman faces off against the revenge-driven Black Manta, portrayed by Yahya Abdul-Mateen II. The sequel explores the consequences of Black Manta’s possession of the Black Trident and his manipulation of an ancient power source, which intensifies the global threat of climate change. Visit 02tvseries for more!
Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom 2023
Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom
| December 22, 2023 (United States)
Director: James WanWriter: Writers, David Leslie Johnson-McGoldrick, James Wan, Jason Momoa, Stars: Stars, Jason Momoa, Patrick Wilson, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II,
Summary: Black Manta seeks revenge on Aquaman for his father's death. Wielding the Black Trident's power, he becomes a formidable foe. To defend Atlantis, Aquaman forges an alliance with his imprison... Read all
Countries: United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, IcelandLanguages: English