In “The Beekeeper,” Jason Statham embodies Adam Clay, a mysterious ex-commando driven by vengeance against tech-savvy criminals. Director David Ayer and screenwriter Kurt Wimmer craft a compelling narrative as Adam’s transition from beekeeping to vigilantism is spurred by his friend’s victimization in a phishing scam. Statham’s portrayal, reminiscent of Clint Eastwood, infuses the character with stoicism and contemplative reflections on societal structures and justice. The film introduces a well-portrayed cast of villains, featuring standout performances from David Witts, Josh Hutcherson, Jeremy Irons, and Taylor James. Visit 02tvseries for more!
The Beekeeper 2024
The Beekeeper
| January 12, 2024 (United States)
Director: David AyerWriter: Kurt WimmerStars: Stars, Jason Statham, Emmy Raver-Lampman, Bobby Naderi,
Summary: A kind-hearted landlady commits suicide after falling victim to a phishing scam, leading former "Beekeeper" operative Adam Clay to set out on a brutal campaign for revenge upon those respons... Read all
Countries: United Kingdom, United StatesLanguages: English